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SEO Optimization - How to be the first on Google?

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SEO Optimization Plan

  • Indexed keywords
    - Recognition of the page and its text
    – Google ranking
    – Backlinks

  • Website architecture
    - Site map
    – Number of pages
    – Visible or invisible text keywords

  • Site traffic

How do we do it?


The average user spends less than a minute on Google search results.

In a sea of competition, it is important for your business to be on the first or next page in that search so that a potential client will notice you. What is a site worth if no one sees it?

The secret elixir of website success is SEO.

SEO Analysis

Good optimization always starts with analysis first. The site is analyzed, from the technical side, visual, user experience, the current state of off-site SEO is analyzed. Competition must be established and reviewed, as well. All this can be done at the start, and after a certain period after the installation of analytics and the so-called webmasters tool, the data from there is also studied. If those two tools are already installed, they can be accessed immediately.

OFF-Site SEO Optimization

In off-site optimization, the most well-known and widespread techniques are related to links. It means linking other, unrelated and related sites to you. It is not only the number that matters, but also quality, reciprocity, pace, and many other things. What can affect the position of your site on Google are also social networks. How you use them, how often and whether it's successful, which networks work and which don't, it's all something that needs to be taken care of.

SEO Plan and Price

Your SEO plan depends on your current search visibility and the price will reflect that. Pricing includes consideration of the initial position of the company's full digital presence.

The price of SEO services depends on many factors. Quality SEO takes time, but it will be worth the wait.
If you want to stay competitive in today's market, you need SEO. 

Schedule a FREE consultation to discuss how to be competitive.


ON-Site SEO Optimization

On the site itself, there are a bunch of SEO elements that must be taken care of. Starting with meta tags, alts and similar links in the code itself, there is optimization of images, page loading speed, redirection, but also how the visitor behaves on the site itself. So, some of these details are visible when the page is opened in the Chrome or Firefox browser, some are visible in the code itself, but there are also those for which you have to go deeper into the site via some FTP software.

More information about SEO Optimization

If you are interested in how SEO optimization is done, or you need this service from experts, you are in the right place. The texts, tutorials, PDF documents and book reviews that you can read here are mostly aimed at people who are already familiar with SEO basics. Those who are just entering this field can also gain an insight into the breadth and seriousness of the problem through posts and advice, experienced in the SEO business will find an exchange of experiences and discussions about news from the field that interests them. The texts are varied. From the very coding and technical things required by SEO site optimization, the relationship between web pages, parts of web sites that must be paid attention to if we want a good ranking in searches, through the so-called off-site SEO part and linking stories, to news about the Google algorithm and various necessary tools that we use. The site is not of the classic wiki type, but of an interactive and informative type. Join the discussions on the topics through comments on the texts, every opinion is welcome.

SEO optimization - here's how to be the first on Google


What is SEO? For those looking for a brief definition:

SEO or search engine optimization is the process of increasing a website's visibility in organic or free search results."

In practice, even advanced Internet users often do not understand the full meaning at first glance of the simple abbreviation SEO. Jargon SEO optimization of web sites is properly called just SEO, and comes from the abbreviation  "Search Engine Optimization"   and can be roughly translated as search engine optimization.



An example of the growth of website visits in organic positions after the start of optimization



Direct translation has lost its meaning long ago, and although a lot is written and spoken about SEO, hardly anyone is able to offer a definition. We will venture to define SEO, but first we will introduce an auxiliary term, the so-called link juice.

The definition of link juice or in English "link juice" would read:

Link juice is a non-technical SEO term and correlates with the complete value that a link (hyperlink) provides. Link juice can be understood as a kind of "digital fluid" brought by an incoming link, whose value originates from the incoming site, is conditionally increased by incoming links to that website, and conditionally weakened by outgoing links from that website.



You are not searching the Internet, but the Google database of URLs!



We repeat the word "conditionally" more than once, because in the SEO paradigm what was valid today may not be valid tomorrow, i.e. what was valid yesterday may not be valid today.

Apart from the time dimension in the epithet "conditionally", we should also mention the quality dimension of this word. Here we think that in addition to Google, which measures link speed, it is also the user (surfer or user) who additionally decides what is relevant and what is not. It makes the SEO process even more subjective, but for anyone who likes a metaphorical system of expression, the fluid volume analogy (by measuring which it ranks) is a great starting point.

The full SEO definition:

In practice, traditional SEO becomes Search Experience Optimization, i.e. a set of methodologies, strategies, techniques and tactics synergized around inducing link juice and increasing the "value of content" in the eyes of users (optimization primarily for people), which leads to a higher ranking in the results of unpaid search (primarily Google search engine).

By vertical division, traditional SEO consists of three levels: technical SEO, on page SEO and off page SEO.

On the other hand, increasing visibility on paid positions is called SEA (often identified with the acronym PPC - pay per click) or "search engine advertising". Recently, due to increasing competition, SEM techniques (SEO + SEA) are turning into a serious science, and the right ratio or mix of SEO and SEA techniques gives the optimal performance in relation to the available budget for the short-term/long-term goal of internet marketing.

Locally speaking, SEO optimization of websites over the domestic internet sky is often called  SEO Serbia . In the following paragraphs, we will explain what the process of "SEO optimization" used to mean and its evolution during the upcoming year 2019.



Your brand is what others say about you when you are no longer in the room with them.



From the aspect of changes in the IT sector, the professional optimization of web sites is without a doubt the most dynamic area. An original and high-quality text with a few author's photos is no longer enough, but the current SEO paradigm goes beyond traditional frameworks in many ways. Currently there are between 200 and 300 signals that affect the ranking and that number is not final. There is an urban legend that Google, as well as other popular giants in the search field (Bing, Yandex, Ask) change their weight density daily, i.e. the influence of individual factors in the whole sum.

This dynamic of innovation brings great challenges and difficulties to search engine optimization experts. On the other hand, 16 to 21% of unique new phrases appear every day, which makes SEO optimization an inexhaustible discipline of internet marketing.

In addition, the additional difficulty of implementing this process lies in the fact that the entire SEO industry is shrouded in secrecy, and new metrics and new filters are added not infrequently. Mathematical models for measuring the quality of content (LSI concept, WDF*IDF) are being perfected, and even the same rules are reflected completely differently on the increasingly differentiated web depending on the location, search history and the device through which the user accesses.



Why do you think you deserve the first place on Google?



There are no absolutely decisive procedures for how sorting algorithms work, and as such, SEO optimization has always been fertile ground for guesswork and speculation of various kinds.

In the long run, any kind of amateurism is extremely dangerous. Only vast experience, understanding of current guidelines for webmasters, following relevant sources and authorities of knowledge, continuous improvement, intensive testing, observing legality and trends have a chance for success.



Current SEO optimization is based on creating content with added value



In the below 30 or so subsections (pay special attention to the accompanying links) a detailed and current SEO paradigm is described.

For easier understanding, we have divided the entire process of SEO optimization into 2 large groups and a section on the most frequently asked questions.

SEO optimization of websites once

1. What are your keywords (keyword analysis)?
2. Content is king
3. On page SEO optimization of each site page
4. Analysis of competition
5. Where to find links or off page SEO optimization
6. Technical SEO that must be implemented
7. Penalties (filters): Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Fred, Phantom, what's next?

Professional SEO optimization of websites today - here's how it's done

1. Comparative advantages
2. Semantic search and understanding of personas
3. User experience
4. The mobile version of the site is now the primary version (Mobile first index)
5. Knowledge graph
6. Content strategy and related link earning
7. Strengthening the power of the message with authority
8. Voice search
9. SEO for video content You tube SEO or video search optimization
10. Optimization of conversions
11. Whole or holistic approach

FAQ or most frequently asked questions to our SEO agency

1. What is SEO?
2. How are you different from other SEO agencies?
3. Why is the competition ahead of us on a specific keyword?
4. How long have you been doing SEO in Serbia?
5. How does Google view SEO agencies?
6. Do we have to make a contract with you?
7. How much do links cost?
8. Are you connected to Google?
9. Who do you work with?
10. How long does the on page optimization process take?
11. How long does off page optimization last?
12. Have you pulled the site out of a Google penalty?
13. Can I get a guarantee for the first place on Google in Serbia ( 14. Can we call you by phone?


SEO optimization of websites once


It used to be that SEO meetings with a client started and ended with answers to a few subsections below. This is basically the phase of technical SEO, and let's remember how it used to be done:


1. What are your keywords (Keyword Analysis)?



What is the most important keyword?



In the commercial sense of the word, keywords can be divided into those that sell and those that do not (informative, educational, transactional...).

If you are not absolutely sure from previous campaigns which words are worth fighting for, we conduct detailed research.

Google AdWords and Google Trends are perfect tools at this stage of planning the site development strategy. There are also specialized software tools for researching the volume and competitiveness of keywords and phrases.

Our SEO course talks about this phase in detail, that is, during the consultation we pay a lot of attention to this topic.


2. Content is king


Creating content for websites is different from creating content for other media.

Your content must add value to all published currently relevant content that correlates with keywords that drive customers to the services or products you offer.

Are you able to create content that no one else can reproduce? If you can, then start creating them, the chance of being first on Google will be higher! Superior quality will scare your competition and make them think about giving up in the race for dominance. But the king needs a queen to keep the kingdom happy.


3. On page SEO optimization of each site page


Proper on-page optimization implies quality-designed content that, in addition to adding value, must be properly structured both for people and for Google (all Internet search engines).

This means that each web page must have its own task in the site architecture (SILO architect for example). Each page, from the cover page to the regular post, must have unique meta tags: Title, H1-H4, sometimes h5-h6, Description, Alt, Canonical and similar. At the site level, there must be a properly configured robots file, XML sitemap (not to be confused with HTML sitemap), optimized CSS, Java script, Ajax, Jquery, etc.

At the time of writing, it is bidding with over 200 ranking signals that Google search engine analyzes on the Internet. Almost 100 factors Google devotes to a specific website (on page optimization factors), ten of which are related only to content (we are still talking about text content). Certain parameters require special attention.

Abandoning outdated strategies, for example: keyword stuffing, lean and duplicate content, buying links. 


4. Analysis of competition


Analysis of relevant competition that is on the first page of Google in relation to the entire Internet. Depending on the resources available for an SEO project, as well as the time frame in which they make sense, adequate estimations and conclusions are made. Keep in mind that your content and links are also analyzed by competitors. A good strategy in small markets like ours is to build enough quality content and links, so that the competition does not dare to move to your positions.



As your thoughts are, so are your links



5. Where to find links or offpage SEO optimization


You have optimized your URLs (web pages), it is time to optimize the rest of the network (internet) in relation to your website for pre-selected keywords. Your URL (web page) must somehow become the most relevant place on the internet for the keyword / phrase you are fighting for. Link building used to be, and link earning now, in brief, means the following:

- Relevant link profile for your site in accordance with white hat guidelines for webmasters,
- Growth with natural link building and link profile,
- Permanent analysis of the natural distribution of anchor texts to your website,
- Proper promotion and citation of your brand in the off page,
- Adequate performance and activity on social networks,
- Presence in the qualified blogosphere, discussion groups, information portals, scientific papers, presentations, pdf documents
- Google Webmaster tools (new name Search Console) is a workaround tool when it comes to site optimization, because it tells us what exactly Google knows about your website. Listed here are potential site optimization mistakes made by your previous developer or SEO expert. During site development (ie during maintenance) our expert works with your developer.
- Using the disavow tool in situations where malicious webmasters start doing negative SEO to your site or individual web page
- Much more to know if you want to be on the front page...

This used to be the most delicate phase of any serious SEO project, which once started, never stops. There are various strategies and tactics for increasing backlinks, and as time goes by, with each new update, Google better understands and measures the intrinsic value of an incoming link.


6. Technical SEO that must be implemented


For high positions, every day there are more and more technical signals that Google monitors on your website, and let's note the following:
- Hosting, location and speed of operation and responsiveness of the site on the server (but also of each individual landing web page)
- Architecture, navigation, pagination and categorization of web pages
- Proper implementation (noindex, follow) of instructions and optimization of the crawl budget
- Proper definition of the SILO structure and internal links
- Neighbors your site has on the server, IP addresses, C class IP apdresw, SSL certificates, coming up
- One of the very important items is the creation of a robots.txt file with the proper configuration of the disavow entity,
- Correct understanding of 404 and 410 status, 301 and 302 redirects, canonical meta tag, follow and nofollow instructions
- In the case of a multilingual site, the correct use of the "hreflang" meta tag
- Robots txt file, creation of XML sitemap and its connection with Webmaster Tools (Search console) tool
- Monitoring the analytics of each web page after it is indexed by Google
- Programming code, caching, originality, image optimization, and often working with your developer and marketing team if you have them
- Web design, creative, infographics, multimedia, creation of responsive design from the point of view of the display resolution of the device from which it is accessed
- If the data from your website's Google Analytics is interpreted correctly, our engineers can immediately spot the most critical factors, changing which often leads to a better user experience immediately.
- The job of an SEO expert also includes reporting, i.e. analysis and presentation of work results. Successful SEO optimization is concrete and easily measurable.


7. Penalties (filters): Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Fred, Phantom, what's next?


As strange as it sounds, these creatures are friendly. Proper understanding of the purpose of Google filters like Panda, Penguin, Fred and Hummingbird must lead to an increase in traffic at the expense of the competition. Points 1 to 6 are constantly being revalued, but if you don't understand what initiates these filters, you can experience a dangerous crash, as well as permanent de-indexing. Search engine optimization (predominantly Google) has not been for amateurs for a long time. What used to be true for SEO optimization may no longer be true, i.e. no sleep for you either, because your site never sleeps either.



Distribution of surfers in terms of positions on Google. It can be seen that the right three places receive more than 60% of the visits. The biggest relative difference is between the tenth and eleventh positions, ie. a mathematical indicator of why it is not good to be on the other side.



Professional SEO optimization of websites today - here's how it's done


In addition to everything written above, today's SEO strategy implies a different approach to the current problem. Effective SEO optimization today starts from the moment it starts  web site development  ili  internet store development   it implies a complete understanding of the entire business model, but also clear answers to the following group of questions.

Technical SEO is followed by its essentially inseparable creative component, so take a look at the prerequisites and principles with which we deliver  SEO services :


1. Comparative advantages


What is it about the check that you expect to be first on Google for a specific keyword or longtail phrase? At this point, you should honestly define your comparative advantages in relation to the competition. SEO has long since outgrown itself and if there is no clear reason in the market why you should get the top positions on the SERP (results on the first page of Google) there will be no real winning of them. Site optimization has long been done not for search engines, but for people. And a hefty budget without these answers can remain irrelevant.


2. Semantic search and understanding of personas


SEO is not spam. Understanding how your customers perceive the queries (keywords and phrases) through which products and services are monetized on the Internet is increasingly important.

Semantic search is an upgrade of conventional search and accounts for the aforementioned understanding of the user's needs and intentions behind the typed query. Different people perceive the same phrase differently.

Along with calls to action, it is important to clarify the reasons for high positions on Google on commercial keywords, that is, the placement of unique useful information that solves the problem with all other keywords. Understanding the types of personas and their behavior on your site brings an added value in analyzing and optimizing the needs of your users. Different personas expect completely different answers even for the same phrases (site optimization for people).

It should be emphasized here that several thousand of your personas have the ability to manage (create) content, but also links (bloggers for example) and then you should be especially sensitive to this group of visitors. Link Earning, which will be discussed later, will not happen if visitor personification is not understood and it is the heart of the new off page optimization.

3. User experience


User experience is specific for each industrial niche, i.e. as internet marketers like to say, vertical. There is no first place (highest positions on Google) until it is broken down and understood what makes the surfer satisfied when he comes to your site (user experience). The response speed of your website is a very important signal. Have you checked what Google thinks about the speed of your site?

It is essential to induce in the minds of surfers the volume of phrases and keywords that are googled in combination with your site's brand. These are the subtle details of "user happiness" that will be more important when talking about the future of site positioning in search engines. If the dwell time is counted in minutes, the number of open pages is large, the degree of turnout is low, then this is a guarantee that the SEO of that site will be good first for people, and therefore for all other search engines.

Elimination of duplicate content is very important because of possible cannibalization. The easy-to-understand and accessible content architecture also leads to the phenomenon in the title of this subsection. 


4. The mobile version of the site is now the primary version (Mobile first index)


The interface adapted to the device (responsive design) depending on the platform from which it is accessed has become a very influential ranking factor.

Since 2018, Google has replaced the index according to the importance of the mobile version compared to the desktop version of the website, i.e. introduced the mobile first index as the primary version of the site.

Since the number of visits from smartphones has long been ahead of visits from traditional computers, the primary version of every site from the user's point of view becomes the mobile version, and the first view that appears on the mobile display is incredibly important.

If the desktop and mobile versions are different, then you need to make an additional effort on information synchronicity, and if you have a responsive version, then the architecture is identical for both versions, so you don't need to worry. This is followed by local SEO, i.e. optimization for small business, but also voice search and work is never enough.


5. Knowledge graph


Share knowledge and you will know more. In other words, knowledge is multiplied by sharing. It is this unique information that makes it possible to figure both on the standard SERP (listing of returned URLs) and in the knowledge graph on the right side of the Google search engine. For most SEO experts, thematic SEO is the new SEO, and it is precisely defined by the amount of knowledge about a certain area. Multidisciplinary knowledge is a new level. The backbone of onpage SEO optimization in the long term is primarily quality content, i.e. ultra quality content like the one you're reading now. Recently, the term "10X content" has been used and it is intended for content that is 10 times better than anything else that has been published. Do you have "10X content" on your site?


6. Content strategy and related link earning


Content strategy is a complex area, but also an integral part of our service, which should therefore include the previous four points. Content created in this way has another task, which is to induce traffic from social networks and generate natural links (link earning) from independent media, portals, forums, blogs, relevant websites of serious institutions (.gov, .edu, .org domains). .

Until almost the dominant form (format) of content was text, and from now on it becomes video, because Google understands what happens in video format. In addition to useful content, this point also requires excellent CSS form. Do you use accordions, horizontal and vertical tabs, internal links, quotes, catchy headings and subheadings. It's time to establish a consistent site structure, track content creation dynamics, and style content with current HTML/CSS elements.

Is there anything better, you write interesting stories on your blog (share useful knowledge), communicate with your users and protagonists through a high user experience, and quality links arrive on their own? We are preparing an ebook about the creation of such content soon, so follow our blog.

The essence of onpage SEO optimization is to create ultra-useful and high-quality content. In a market like Serbia, there is still not enough 10X content. Let's repeat once again in relation to the previous point, these are the contents, ie. web pages that in a natural (native marketing) way have an added meaning (inbound marketing), i.e. speed up the link building process (link earning). Let's remember, the leaders of Google themselves admitted that it is very difficult to rank well without links.

In other words, the on-page SEO-optimized page naturally also carries out off-page SEO optimization, because the landing page cannot exist without relevant incoming links (backlinks). Of course, sometimes you have to push this process with high-quality link building, but only from the most relevant sites, only with links from 10x content that add additional value. Standard guest posting and links from private blogs (PBN) have been overcome, and today one relevant and high-quality link, especially if it is from the front page, is worth more than 10 links on general topics sites.


7. Strengthening the power of the message with authority


No matter how good the content that is created is, it should be promoted. This is one of the critical points of successful SEO optimization, and most of the well-started SEO strategies fail due to the absence of a solution, i.e. poor implementation for this point. Email marketing, AdWords, an adequate selection of social networks and current tools are a must. Evolution happens not only on understanding the location of the target group and the message sent to them, but also on finding authority, ie. influencers (influential individuals and experts) in that field and interactions that aim to amplify the message as naturally as possible. One of the tasks on social networks is exactly this. Let's mention that social networks only indirectly affect the SEO of your site. In short, if your content is more visible on social networks, more traffic to the site will create a better chance for a natural link.


8. Voice search


Voice search or in English "Search by Voice" is an upcoming artificial intelligence service from the Google kitchen that allows users to use search by making voice queries and on the go on a mobile phone. Search results from voice commands are very specific and you should pay attention to this new and increasingly popular source of traffic. The Serbian language is supported.


9. SEO for video content You tube SEO or video search optimization


Google has a great understanding of what happens in video content. We mentioned that YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world, and it is a digital universe of its own with special rules. It is not enough just to create video content, but also to optimize the video itself with much more than the basic optimization: proper title, description, tag and so on. This social network offers enormous possibilities, and with just a few interventions, your video channel can gain a new dimension in terms of visits.


10. Optimization of conversions


How to increase the % of conversions and how to retain surfers from the site and turn them into new clients is always a current topic. SEO optimization should be used to increase direct visits or as an introduction to a loyalty program. Do you have such functionalities on your site? Start planning them. Everyone is starting to create top-quality content, and the traffic on Google (SEO + PPC) will increase.

11. Whole or holistic approach


And for the end, we left the holistic principle, i.e. looking at the complete business model and its online representation as a whole in the widest context. On the one hand, the central entity is your user, ie. live people on your site and their user experience and the emotional resonance they need to achieve. On the other hand, an important task is that the search engines (Google and Bing above all) index and understand everything presented technically quickly and efficiently. Google will never be perfect, but these two processes are asymptotically approaching each other (especially at the moment when artificial intelligence dynamically analyzes the link profile and user experience as increasingly important phases of SEO optimization). The characteristic of an SEO expert is that he can interpret, feel the difference and predict the trend of these two processes at the current moment.


Working according to these principles, the path to targeted positions is quite certain and Google will work for you. This is not easy to implement, and if you are interested, see our  SEO services for more details.

FAQ or most frequently asked questions to our SEO agency

How to be first on Google. is one of the most frequent questions from our clients. The answer is not simple, on the contrary, it is more and more complex every day, so take a look at the 14 most common questions and answers that our SEO agency encounters towards this goal.

1. What is SEO?


For those looking for a short definition SEO or search engine optimization is the process of increasing the visibility of a website on organic or free search results."

2. How are you different from other SEO agencies?

There are few specialized SEO agencies in Serbia. has clear guidelines according to which it implements the phases of SEO optimization listed above. Another comparative advantage is the professional and lively SEO blog   in Serbian, where we selflessly share knowledge. In addition, we act socially responsible and promote young talents. We are also special in that we bring strong emotions into the optimization process and try to cooperate with the best. We mean it when we say that we have the privilege of being able to choose our clients. And one more thing, our associates simply love their job, because they create the web. All permanent or part-time employees have serious websites behind them, which makes us one of the most serious SEO agencies in Serbia.

3. Why is the competition ahead of us on a specific keyword?

Sometimes it is possible to answer this question very quickly, and sometimes the answer requires several days of analysis. Serious analysis of onpage and offpage factors of your and competitor's site with the help of professional tools in 99% of cases unmistakably gives a concrete answer.

4. How long have you been doing SEO in Serbia?

Our oldest site in the group was released back in 2013. We have been active in this field since then, and we have been registered as an official specialized agency for SEO optimization since 2017.

5. How does Google view SEO agencies?

Several times the leaders of the anti-spam team at Google have officially announced on the Webmaster YouTube channel that they have nothing against SEO agencies that operate in accordance with the guidelines of the Page Rank patent. On the contrary, they are very interested in quality feedback from professionals and concrete interaction with experts in this field.

6. Do we have to make a contract with you?

There are a lot of SEO companies on the market and even more individuals who talk a lot and don't get results. References speak volumes, we send them to serious clients, and we can arrange prepaid packages for skeptical clients, so only after our own experience and judgment do we sign a long-term contract.

7. How much do links cost?

We do not sell links, that is, we act in accordance with the webmaster guidelines prescribed by  Google Corporation   how to get to them (link earning). That is what we do is a professional appearance on the Internet, and you can see more details about the price of our services here .

8. Are you connected to Google?

No SEO company is directly connected to Google in the sense that they know for sure how the ranking algorithm works. But we are influential in the SEO community, we participate in all important SEO blogs, Facebook groups and relevant forums in Serbian and ex Yu languages. In addition, we participate in the work of most professional conferences. SEO Expert participates in the Google partnership as an Adwords specialist for SEM marketing.

9. Who do you work with?

We don't work with just anyone. If we assess that behind your business model are serious people with long-term plans, we can open a new project in 48 hours.

10. How long does the on page optimization process take?

It is ungrateful to answer such questions, because everything depends on the number of pages, the amount of information and the like. Some general answer is that the duration of this phase is measured in days. We usually complete the on-page optimization of a new project in 5 to 15 days. If there is a blog on the site, then additional resources should be planned depending on who and how often should lead and manage the content on the corporate blog.

11. How long does off page optimization last?

Theoretically, off-page optimization should never stop because the competition generally does not stand still. You define the budget yourself, and in accordance with it, we adjust the number of pages we optimize, that is, the speed, method and strategy of off page optimization.

12. Have you pulled the site out of a Google penalty?

We are often called when an incident occurs and when untrained people destroy the positions of the most important pages of a website with inappropriate techniques. We have positive experiences in remediating parts of the site from the Panda filter, and specific URLs that fell into the Penguin filter due to bad links. Our philosophy is based on a holistic principle, an understanding of the process as a whole and an adequate adaptation to the structure.

13. Can I get a guarantee for the first place on Google in Serbia (

No SEO company can guarantee 100% success in the ranking process either in Serbia or abroad.
There are at least two reasons:
- You never know when and how much Google will degrade/reward the value of links in relation to content with each new update of its Penguin (off page - quality of links) and Panda (on page - quality of content). Recently, Google analyzes between 200 and 300 ranking signals, the values of which it often adjusts on a daily basis.
- You never know how many resources the competition will invest in online and offline marketing

This means that although we cannot 100% guarantee that you will be the first, we can very transparently show how much of your budget was spent at each stage of the SEO project. The consequence of this kind of work is that for now we have no dissatisfied clients.

14. Can we call you on the phone?

Of course: +381 062 8121 509

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